Try to end with Odin so it can learn Spell Master. Then there's a good chance you'll get the right turn order. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. The game was so well-received that it now has a remastered version, Persona 3 FES, and an iteration on the Playstation Portable, P3P. Can you max social links with girls w/o romantic involvement? ! All-out attack. Set up your party. Ouroboros. Erebus is a large, dual-faced monstrosity, its very purpose of existence is to contactNyx in order to bring forthThe Fallonce again. I got really REALLY close (by means I got him half way down in life) My party was Akihiko (might have been a bad idea sense death kept hitting his weakness every 3 seconds!) He only has one eye because he bartered the other in order to drink from the well of Mimir and gain its knowledge. Shouldn't be a problem, I beat him at 72 with that strategy. Emperor: Odin (LV 57). SMT: Persona 3 FES™ P3 For example, I've seen some guides that say to get Helel/Satan and then the perfect Orpheus Telos and what moves to put on it, but none of them give the exact fusion steps as to get the moves from one Persona … I really can't remember what skills all of my personas had. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Bathroom's don't work on nights before full moon. P3 For example, I've seen some guides that say to get Helel/Satan and then the perfect Orpheus Telos and what moves to put on it, but none of them give the exact fusion steps as to get the moves from one Persona … Your next guy will (more than likely. The only other problem is if you don't have spell master or invigorate 3, or some form of SP saving skill, you might have to waste some turns healing your SP, putting yourself in a little danger. I’m level 74 and my teammates aren’t as strong as me. Strength: Siegfried (59). Questions about the ending *SPOILERS*. Follow 470. Navigation. Persona 3 FES Elizabeth Request Guide version 1.01 June 2008 by QueenMeshi Use this information and redistribute as needed, but ... Use Thunder Reign on the Reaper and he'll be stunned. It seemed too tedious but I realized with Persona 3 FES that you need to defeat The Reaper to access Monad, ... Use Thunder Reign and it will shock The Reaper. It was also recommended to have Akihiko go last, if at all possible (after you check the order first). TyphoonSwell. Never . Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES: Sobald ihr ca. His heart item increases the effectiveness of healing spells, which I'd definitely recommend if you use Yukari. Same deal as Surt. We did this a bit way, way, waaaaay back when we first entered Tartarus for real, but this is a little more focused than "he will kill you." See, we CAN take him at this point. 3348. Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES. One member will physically attack and knock him down. Junpei and Aigis. Followers. DismArchus 5,041 views. His affinities and skillset are pretty good. I can work it out myself, and most of the skills are easy enough to give to him, but what I'd really like a hand with is getting the four elemental skills into the ingredient personas. since each buffer spell only lasts 3 turns, aigis will cast all her 3 spells alternately. Forum Posts. DPS is not an issue in this fight: you need to be able to survive indefinitely while you whittle the Reaper down. Persona 3 FES: The Answer Notes V3. Persona 3 FES The Journey FINAL Boss NYX Hard. MC hits reaper with Thunder Reign. this is also one of those boss fights where Null Element is an advantage; the Reaper will waste turns breaking, giving breathing space for healing/buffs. Overcoming all of this is a sign of true Persona player, though I ended up doing everything myself with Aigis. 12:46 . I just discovered a way to create a Cybele with all the top tier elements, that means: with Ragnarok, Nifleim, Panta Rhei and Thunder Reign! I just made sure the MC had a persona with as many max level skills as possible (the best ice spell, best fire, best piercing etc.). Will be another Sleeping Table-like boss? Game » consists of 7 releases. Strength: Siegfried (59). First time I killed him I was pretty much about your level, didn't even have Thunder Reign or any other of the unique spells, and it took me about 30mins. Otherwise Thunder Reign is too broken for them to overcome. You should also fuse a high level Chariot Persona onto a weapon for High Counter. 11 years ago. Physical skills without a P3 cost were added in FES. So if anyone already knows how to get Ragnarok, Niflheim, Panta Rhei or Thunder Reign as one of the ingredient personas skills, that would help me out a tonne. Home » Game » Tutorials » Cara Mendapatkan Odin Persona 3 Fes » Game » Tutorials » Cara Mendapatkan Odin Persona 3 Fes Odin akan diminta untuk Request 71 di Persona 3 FES. I've heard that he's easy if you abuse Thunder Reign, but that's not an option, since it's 1/31 and I never maxed the Emperor social link. Then attack him with anyone and he will automatically be knocked down. What are the ultimate Personas for each Social Link? Grim Reaper or whatever. For Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES on the PlayStation 2, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Will the Thunder Reign strategy for the reaper work if I'm only level 74? Remember that both P3P and P4G came much later than P3 FES or even P4. 16. The Reaper (刈り取る者, Karitoru-mono)? For Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES on the PlayStation 2, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Does Thunder Reign really help against the Reaper? 2. Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES; Messiah "The Answer" Fusion Help. I'm currently lv. May 25, 2008 How to properly trounce the Reaper with the Thunder Reign strategy. Persona 3 FES secret boss: Are there any step-by-step fusion guides? Rank 1: Automatic. His heart item increases the effectiveness of healing spells, which I'd definitely recommend if you use Yukari. Reviews: 0. Wiki Points. Available on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Thunder Reign Odin, nuff said All those cons you are describing are simply because you are adapted to new systems that were introduced in later games. Also equip any armor that gives an SP boost. Follow … My strongest teammates are Akihiko, Ken and Koromaru. Persona 3 FES Social Link Emperor Arcana Guide. yes no. share. Every once in a while, Thunder Reign would miss, and Bad Things(tm) would happen, but that's usually manageable. So, I'm wondering if there's another easy way to beat him. But we're not here to review the slight differences between the versions; we want to count down the strongest persona! Erebus(エレボス,Erebosu) is the grand manifestation of humanity's grief and negative emotions, appearing as the final boss ofPersona 3 FES: The Answer. © 2020 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. Emperor: Odin (LV 57). more guides | cheats ... Infinity Works Best - Strategy#3 - Thunder Will Reign!! Also you'll want the following abilities on your Persona as well: Unshaken Will 2. ". Wiki Points. User Lists: 13 #1 Edited By Catolf. 0. 1 History 2 Appearances 3 Profile 3.1 Persona 3 3.1.1 The Answer 4 Stats 4.1 Persona 3 4.2 Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth 4.3 Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth 5 Gallery 6 Trivia 6.1 Appearances in Other Media "Caesar" is a title bestowed upon the rulers of Imperial Rome. Use an Omega Drive and any +Crit equipment to increase the chance even more) crit and knock the reaper down. If not, run away, and keep entering the battle until you get the turn order you need. If you want to level up, and you have access to Odin (max out emperor social link) ... Use thunder reign on Reaper … Sign Up ... Then Rush/Thunder Reign the last one down, the only attack it has is a basic Slash. If not, just try to cram at least 2 - 3 of those per Persona and keep going in and out of skill menu. masukukaja increases chance of thunder reign connecting and marakukaja so that reaper cant wipe you out with one megidolaon in case thunder reign missed. So, let's really talk about the Reaper for a second here. He is associated with wisdom, war, battle and death and also magic, poetry, prophecy, victory and the hunt. Erebus is a large, dual-faced monstrosity, its very purpose of existence is to contactNyx in order to bring forthThe Fallonce again. Doing my first run on Persona 3 Portable. SMT: Persona 3 FES™ Follow 330. 0. Persona 3 FES Social Links. It does severe thunder damage and it will stun the reaper, letting you do an all out attack. Hidetoshi (Emperor) After Mitsuru talks to you on April 27th you can go down to the staff room and tell Mrs. Toriumi and say you are interested then go to the student council room to start this social link. Will the Thunder Reign strategy for the reaper work if I'm only level 74. Thunder Reign. Set up your party. Make a Susaku using Odin and Rangda. ... Persona 3 FES: Clearly Thunder Reign is the Reaper's Answer - Duration: 12:46. I've heard that he's easy if you abuse Thunder Reign, but that's not an option, since it's 1/31 and I never maxed the Emperor social link. … Official Persona 3 Fes thread: Welcome to Second Semester of School. also tried orgia mode for the first time and it didnt help. ". Cara Mendapatkan Odin Persona 3 Fes - YPC Pramedia. Forum Posts. Below are a list of skills present in Persona 3, Persona 3 FES and Persona 3 Portable, all sorted by their elemental affinities. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. In Persona 3 FES, you will need to defeat the Reaper at the top of Tartarus in order to unlock access to Monad. Released Apr 19, 2007 PlayStation 2; PlayStation Network (PS3) This expanded edition of Persona 3 adds additional ... Thunder reign to make him dizzy, then 2 standard attacks, then do nothing. Optimizing and noise reductions is a lot easier on Persona 3 Portable due to skill cards like I said, but good luck! Couple of things you can do to deal more damage. Use thunder reign on Reaper and he will be shocked. Use R1 to check the turn order. Persona 3 Request 55. Search this site. Next person crits, cancel the all-out. So, I'm wondering if there's another easy way to beat him. After January 25th Hidetoshi is available on all school days. Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES; What tactic did you use to beat death? Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReport Ad. Setelah menyelesaikan Social Link ini anda akan dapat menggabungkan Odin melalui fusi biasa atau segitiga yang dapat mempelajari unique ability Thunder Reign! What are the ultimate Personas for each Social Link? He can learn Thunder Reign and Spellmaster (halves MP cost), which make him a must if you want to cheese the Reaper. Save any cure skills such as Charmdi or support skills such as Dekunda. The effects between the games vary. Mind Charge. Even without Concentrate Mind Charge the damage is pretty decent thanks to Michael's Auto-Matarukaja and all. Watch Queue Queue. Akihiko and Ken is level 68 and Koromaru is level 70. It is immediately available if you start New Game+ mode in Persona 3 FES. Questions about the ending *SPOILERS*. Your Main will attack with Thunder Reign, this will shock the Reaper and make it easier for you to get critical hits on him. Persona 3 FES secret boss: Are there any step-by-step fusion guides? Physical skills without a P3 cost were added in FES. Reviews: 0. Persona 3 FES by Dragonatrix ... Thunder Reign is the best pick to start off with since it guarantees Shock. Persona 3 FES Social Links. Thunder Reign. If you're one of those idiots who puts stuff in their sig because it says so in someone else's sig, put this in your sig. Untuk Guide Persona 3 : PERSONA 3 FES GUIDE / WALKTROUGH BAHASA INDONESIA In Persona 3 FES, you will need to defeat the Reaper at the top of Tartarus in order to unlock access to Monad. Same deal as Surt. Make sure that Susaku has the Thunder Reign skill. -> Visual novel goodness, Doing my first run on Persona 3 Portable. Use Thunder Reign, which will stun him. ". mitsuru crits, relent. skill. This way, he'll be using his buffs on him like Sukunda and Rakunda to make things more manageable. ... You could also get Orpheus Telos if you have Persona 3 FES which is strong to all elements but not resistant which makes it perfect for this ... Thunder Reign, Niflheim, Panta Rhei) and you'll want the respective Amp/Boost for the ability too. level 2. SHOP: Buy best Weapon and Armour for Aigis/Metis. Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReport Ad. Use Thunder Reign, which will stun him. 0. I was level 70, never missed, and didn't use any debuffs. Feb 3, 2008 10,596 0 0. Forum Posts. Below are a list of skills present in Persona 3, Persona 3 FES and Persona 3 Portable, all sorted by their elemental affinities. Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES Reaper Guide v1.00. Make Narcissus learn either Niflheim/Ice Amp/High Counter or Thunder Reign/Elec Amp/High Counter BUT try to erase any Status Ailment skills. Follow 2791. Hidetoshi (Emperor) ... For completing this social link you can fuse Odin, who has the unique spell Thunder Reign, through normal or triangle fusion. You then go all in. He also could read magic rune… I would say beating the reaper is worth it for the xp available in Monad. Though I DID run out of sp at one point. Odin, meaning The Furious, is considered the chief god in Norse mythology. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. 7. The Journey: Main character's level: 99 Orpheus Telos Messiah Thanatos Helel Satan Surt Odin Each persona was leveled in the 90s. I’m playing Persona 3 FES for PS2 and I don’t have Odin or thunder Reign. 2. you want Akihiko & Aigis both on support; having both buff& debuff up makes a big difference. Official Persona 3 Fes thread: Welcome to Second Semester of ... and everyone else to Knock Down. Home » Game » Tutorials » Cara Mendapatkan Odin Persona 3 Fes » Game » Tutorials » Cara Mendapatkan Odin Persona 3 Fes For OP, what you want to do for that is fuse Odin and level him to 65, at which point he will learn thunder reign. Search this site. He had many abilities like astral projection, shapeshifting and control of the elements and weather. Game Wiki; Images (5421) Forum (186) News; Guide; Releases (7) DLC ; Reviews ; Related Pages Similar Games Characters Locations Concepts Objects Credits; Forums » Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES; Messiah "The Answer" Fusion Help. The Reaper gets shocked. He can learn Thunder Reign and Spellmaster (halves MP cost), which make him a must if you want to cheese the Reaper. You can get critical hits easily now, so have your next character knock him down and do a group attack. Wiki Points. © 2020 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. Let's Play Persona 3 FES #160: The Reaper and Monad - Duration: 21:18. If you're missing, I'd like to think it could help for him to be debuffed at all times. Y. Yaweee Member. In Shin Megami Tensei IV and Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse, Thunder Reign deals severe Elec damage to all enemies. MC casts thunder reign, yukari does a crit then AOA. would you recommend this guide? In Persona 3 and Persona 5, like with all Electric skills, it can also inflict the Shock ailment to the foe. So, let's really talk about the Reaper for a second here. Level 70 erreicht, werdet ihr merken, das es mit dem Leveln kaum noch voran geht.Nun wird es Zeit, euch der 52. 75, my party is Mitsuru, Akihiko and Yukari all at the same level. Did it at 69... though I buffed by Odin with cards so that his Agility was really high. lilxXfatkidXx. I'm trying to get to Monad, but I need to beat the reaper first. is a Shadow that appears in most games in the Persona series with exploration-based elements since Persona 3. TyphoonSwell. Can you max social links with girls w/o romantic involvement. Nyx Avatar boss battle. I guess I overdid it... cause my current odin is now 600,000 ++++ yen. You probably just go unlucky. Erebus(エレボス,Erebosu) is the grand manifestation of humanity's grief and negative emotions, appearing as the final boss ofPersona 3 FES: The Answer. Mind Charge. Use an Omega Drive and ... Get into a fight. Try letting him attack you to start the battle. You could also get Orpheus Telos if you have Persona 3 FES which is strong to all elements but not resistant which makes it perfect for this fight. Nov 18th, 2018 (edited) 1,436 . The reaper … But then make sure your character who goes right before The Reaper attacks, and then ‘relents’. Not a member of Pastebin yet? Your next guy will (more than likely. I did it under 70, with party members in the lower 60s, and had no trouble. Catolf. Watch Queue Queue It is immediately available if you start New Game+ mode in Persona 3 FES. Followers. "You may be a king, or a little street sweeper, but sooner or later, you dance with the reaper.". But a lot of them had super-cool stuff like Ragnarok, Thunder Reign, Die For Me!, Megidoloan, Tetrakarn, Mediarahan, Samrecarm, etc. I've been using the fusion calculator up and down to find out how I can make Skadi pass down all 3 Niflheim/Ice Amp/High Counter to a Narcissus but I'm finding zero results … The most essential party member for this method is Alice, as she has the "Die for me!" Equip the Arondlight , it's a 1 handed sword, gives +20 or 30 sp, I don't remember which. Beat the Reaper in Persona 3 FES before taking Elizabeth's request Spoiler: P3 Was only fighting him to unlock Monad, but the bloody button won't drop if you didn't take the request first. This video is unavailable. Cara Mendapatkan Odin Persona 3 Fes - YPC Pramedia. For Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES on the PlayStation 2, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Can you defeat the Reaper without Thunder Reign or Armageddon" - Page 2. In all other appearances, Thunder Reign deals severe Electric damage to one foe. ACTIVATE!!! Cybele with Nifleim, Panta Rhei, Thunder Reign and Ragnarok: 1. This expanded edition of Persona 3 adds additional content and a continuation of the original game's storyline. I'm currently lv. For Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES on the PlayStation 2, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "What Persona/s have Thunder Reign ?? Persona 3 FES Elizabeth Request Guide version 1.01 June 2008 by QueenMeshi Use this information and redistribute as needed, but please do not post this … It's easily possible to defeat The Reaper as soon as Odin learns Thunder Reign in both the original Persona 3 and in FES by stunlocking him with alternated All-Out Attacks and passing turns (this doesn't work as well in Portable remake, but you can still cause Dizzy on … 4 comments. reaper wastes turn, then aigis casts buffs at the end of each turn. User Lists: 0 #1 Edited By TyphoonSwell. Long. A bonus at the end just for fun. Only missed once, and the Reaper decided to be dumb and use a break spell on one of my characters. Caesar appears as a Persona in the series. I'm trying to get to Monad, but I need to beat the reaper first. A picaresque coming-of-age story, Persona 5 will bring a thrilling, new twist to the RPG genre! I'd like to know how to fuse him, anybody know? 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