Using ICT in the classroom involves organising supporting activities for the, ICT tool. T, variety of sources, such as a computer technician employed by the school, and, from the pupils themselves. Education to be effective in schools, the environment needs to be conducive to learning, allowing the pupils space and time to interact within the learning and teaching process. al activities, and postinstructional activities. Several factors are responsible for this. This section discusses both, In both schools, the discipline-specific rules of the computer room were, clearly displayed on the wall. h��n�8�������t�3���6m�n�i.����%G��d�~g(۱c+rnC��ш��gx$Y�x�w�i�9#�DDϖ g0w�E1昤� Further, it has also been concluded that fun learning put a strong effect in enhancing student's creativity and knowledge. Furthermore, the moderating role of fun learning in Malay Language by the teacher for enhancing the student's interest has also been discussed. Ethiopia needs graduates capable of solving real life problems in the society. It does not exist without these relations. Government-aided schools are, schools managed by a board of governors, usually from clans or religious. The other ICT, based lessons were pupil-centred with very little direct teaching. and orienting activities) and sufficient conditions (scaffolding activities and supporting school policies) for effective Essalat, you worry too much.” Oh, how many times have I heard this?! Findings reveal that the ward managers are generally satisfied with the way in which they Creating an Effective Classroom Environment: Factors Which Can Positively or Negatively Affect Learning. This paper classifies the ways in which students were found to support technology in the classroom, taking advantage of their expertise to help the teacher and other students. learning of Geography. Rules and tools in the ICT. When, pupils encountered a technical or instructional problem, they would place, their cups on top of their monitors to request for help. aided instruction and student performance in Geography as an elective subject. Also the role technology plays in teachers’ classrooms relates to their conceptions of the nature of teaching and learning. The last of the findings was the challenges questions served as scaffold, guiding the pupils learning processes. A conducive environment is one of the key elements for learners to successfully perform at school. Several factors are responsible for this. The Classroom Learning Environment (CLE) Questionnaire: Preliminary Development. Activity is driven by a collective, object (goal) and motive, but it is realised in goal-oriented individual and, group actions. themselves or expect the pupils to help one another to solve the problems. They may lack the technical skills to navigate and learn in the, ICT learning packages; or/and they may lack the motivation to learn using, JILR 14/4 page layout 12/23/03 3:23 PM Page 52, the ICT learning package. Such a climate enables students to address constructively the fears they bring to the learning event. inadequate time to prepare materials for institutions using technology and absence of PCs in 1.Have a designated area for learning. For example, one, teacher in East Primary School paired pupils who were weak in typing, with those who could type well. This study is a cross sectional based study. It also helps to generate and refine ques-, tions during the informal and formal interviews with both pupils and teach-, ers regarding an observed behaviour or action. 2009-05-09. Wherever we are, we’d all like to think our classrooms are ‘intellectually active’ places. Human psychology is concerned with the activity of concrete individuals, which takes place whether in a collective – that is, jointly with other people, JILR 14/4 page layout 12/23/03 3:23 PM Page 44, – or in a situation in which the subject deals directly with the surrounding, world of objects – e.g. By employing methods Physical Space. The area outside the school general office was, , to engage her pupils in the reflection of the ICT, , searching for information on the Internet and present-. At the launch of the Mastreplan on, ter of Education in his opening speech elaborated on the rationale for the, lays out a comprehensive strategy for creating an IT, learning environment in every school. it provides quantitative, policy-relevant information on the teaching and learning environment in schools in … Relevant Impactful Flexible Self-paced 100% Online The music, teacher in North Primary School, during the interview, recalled how she per-, The school has always been supportive of the use of information tech-, for a demo copy to explore. in geography classes. Develop a framework for building the capacity of HEIs for blended learning by a team of blended learning experts and leaders from selected HEIs in Asia-Pacific. This paper addresses the adult educator's responsibility to establish an emotionally safe learning environment. demonstrations, Normal Teaching and discussions as the methods adopted for the teaching and Only three of the lessons were. These rules and procedures are to be integrated into a workable system, by teachers and should be deliberately taught to the pupils. These issues include the establishment of rules and procedures, availability of IT resources, conduct and management of IT-based activities, and division of labour among participants. In contrast, teachers with student-centered beliefs tend to emphasize individual student needs and interests and typically adopt educational practices associated with constructivism and/or social constructivism. environment of the classroom. Students' primary role in the classroom is not to support teachers, but with technology, teachers take advantage of support in many forms. The account identifies and describes five categories of orienting activities: introductory sessions to ICT tools, advance organizers and instructional objectives, worksheets and checklists, dialogues among participants, and tools for post-instructional reflection. were not seated according to their index numbers. There is a need for the division of labour among, the participants in the computer room. Indeed, one cannot simply assume that pupils are comfortable with any ICT software, or hardware that they handle. In such an environment, pupils are more likely to be task-oriented and reflective, and hence, more likely to engage in higher order thinking. The usage of technology has predisposed our way of life in these days. Developing a classroom environment conducive to learning is a process that entails staging the physical space, getting the students to cooperate, creating a communal environment, and finally maintaining a positive classroom climate and culture. dent learning during tea or lunch breaks. that are discussed over the course and at the end of the project. Moreover, pupils, may feel more at ease when they are in a group, and that may encourage, more spontaneity, especially if the pupils are classmates or close friends, Three groups of six pupils were chosen from each school for the focus, group discussions. Handbook of cooperative learning methods. Partial Least Squares (PLS) algorithm and bootstrap techniques were used to test the study's hypothesis. The well-defined roles of participants, mediate between the community and the object of a well-managed, These elements facilitate the creation of a conducive learning environ-, ment that provides the necessary condition for the effective integration of, ICT in the classroom. Farklı entegrasyon uygulama/araştırmaları eğitim sistemine dahil edi¬len teknoloji kaynakları açısından benzeşse de nedenleri, amaçları, yöntemleri, odakları, etkileri ve etkenleri açısından kültürden kültüre, alandan alana, hatta yaklaşımdan yaklaşıma önemli ölçüde farklılıklar göstermektedir. Cole and Engeström (1993) rep-, resented the idea of activity systems with an expanded version of the classi-, Adapted from Cole and Engeström, 1993, p.8, JILR 14/4 page layout 12/23/03 3:23 PM Page 45, The classical mediational triangle draws on V, elementary functioning: “unmediated” (elementary) functioning occurs, along the base of the triangle, and “mediated” (higher) functioning is the, interaction between the subject and object (task) mediated by tools at the, vertex of the triangle. Everybody was responsi-, ble for something.” During the interview with their teacher, she said that, besides ensuring individual accountability, pupils were taught basic social, rules and procedures for group work such as “one person talking at a time,”, “controlling the volume of talking,” “paying attention when others talk,” and, “negotiating when trying to reach a consensus.”, Therefore, to create a conducive learning environment, teachers have to. Students' mathematical literacy abilities are important to master, especially to formulate mathematical concepts that can be used in everyday life. The schools were, also given funds to purchase educational software and other peripherals, JILR 14/4 page layout 12/23/03 3:23 PM Page 49, resources that best meet the needs of their students and teachers. This ensured that the pupils knew how to use, the microscope and its accompanying program. With the current interest in Singapore’s “Masterplan for ICT (information and, This paper discusses the findings of the collective case study of two primary schools in Singapore. Her ne kadar biz öğretim teknologları daha planlı, daha bilimsel temellere dayalı, daha izlenebilir ve iyileştirilebilir süreçler öneriyor olsak da yadsınamaz bir gerçek; bilgi ve iletişim teknolojileri (BİT) ve getirdiği yeniliklerin öğren¬me-öğretme süreçlerine hızla ve kontrol edilemez biçimde etki etmekte oldu¬ğudur. follows whatever is going on in the lesson. Therefore, teachers need to employ ICT and non-ICT tools to, learners are addressed. principals, an account of how the activity systems within and between classrooms, and the schools are generated. Studies have shown that reading can help babies develop their speech and language skills. Conducive environment is defined as favorable surroundings or conditions. Join ResearchGate to discover and stay up-to-date with the latest research from leading experts in, Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. When it comes to creating an ideal learning space for K-12 learners in schools, there are a few common principles that should be considered. ment for the effective integration of ICT in these schools. performance in the subject. Moreover, pupils are, rules and procedures include both discipline-specific ones and educational, ones. Creating a conducive ambience for learning in classrooms necessarily demands a proper know-how of the sociolinguistics of students by the teacher. degree of order and regularity is essential if pupils are to work productively, and consistently toward instructional objectives (Doyle, 1990; Gettinger, very likely to be chaotic and unproductive. These procedures ensured that the pupils paid attention to the instruc-, The discipline-specific rules and procedures observed in East and North, Primary School communicated the teachers’, behaviour. Tüm bu karmaşa, sağlıklı bilimsel gerekçeler ya da varsayımlar üretmenin ötesinde zaman zaman da farklı bakışlara, deneyim¬lere ve çıkarımlara kulak vermeyi gerekli kılmaktadır… Elinizdeki kitap bu düşüncelerle ve elbette küçük bir ölçekte, eğitim ve öğ¬retimde teknoloji entegrasyonu süreçlerini farklı açılardan ve çok disiplinli bir bakışla ele almayı amaçlamaktadır. Such factors as ‘large and spacious’, regularly shaped room, easily adapted for different situations and close access to support spaces were assessed. conducive environment for effective ICT integration. In this sense, the, study of ICT in schools is no longer restricted to the interaction between the, computer and the participants, but rather how ICT is embodied within a. socially constituted learning environment (Crook, 1991). This is especially the case for students living in poverty, who may not have access to the right technology to readily and actively engage. actions among the participants” (Cole & Engeström 1993, p.7). Journal of Interactive Learning Research, 14 (4), 405-423. Although pupil learning was mediated by ICT and non-, ICT tools (worksheets, checklists, and handouts), the teachers were, observed to be facilitators, helping and guiding the pupils in their work. preparation of the classroom as an effective learning environment” (Fraser. �r�dp����>��[>��2�}V�3�Ӥ��]s_����w�:�=�0��6��?LH�GϚ�:���m��A1L�k8O���J�χ�h�K�|u!#�0���}�z��.��;7�V���E$��>���F����뗰=8�C8�cx��������'8��Ї/���9|���`PdE�'���!L>��i�V��aR�aD&^�xn檵��?�2�@y��)�<4�i�o��Qݔ�0�ԗ�&���n�f�:EnfE�WY�xh���XB�4x��������[�
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The pupils in the focus, group discussions found the introduction and demonstration of the micro-, scope helpful as they “did not encounter any problems when using the, microscope” and they were able to “concentrate on the science experiment.”, to pupils as handouts or projected onto the screen by way of the teachers’, computer. One of the goals of the Masterplan was to ensure that by the end of 2002, all. Purposive and convenient sampling Creating a Conducive Learning Environment for the Effective Integration of ICT: Classroom Management Issues. All classrooms in the two primary schools were equipped with a data pro-, more than 40 desktop computers per room, enough for a class of 40 pupils, to engage in individual work, and flexible enough to support pair and group. new learning environment questionnaire based on my reading of the literature, but also on what I thought at the time were largely intuitive findings from this study. Successful innovation doesn’t just happen overnight in organizations – it needs to be nurtured. Using activity theory as a, framework, the following classroom management issues are, discussed: availability of ICT resources, establishment of. the analysis of the data from 10 schools, issues in the learning environment are discussed: Necessary (classroom management dures, such as distribution of materials and fire drills. Many large-scale stud-, ies have documented the positive learning outcomes of using ICT in schools. Teacher-centered beliefs are typically associated with behaviorism. Also, it seeks to assess the approaches use by geography The resea, Contents Summary 5 1 Introduction 16 1.1 Information and Communication Technology in education 16 1.2 From an innovation-oriented to a teacher-oriented approach 17 1.3 From an obje ctivist to a constructivist view of learning 17 1.4 Defining the scope of this study 22 2 The multi-level approach 23 2.1 Introduction 23 2.2 The community 24 2.2.1 Definition 24 2.2.2 Factors influencing the, This edited book tells the story of the multifaceted efforts devoted by a “future school” in Singapore—The Nan Chiau Primary School—in shaping future learning. In East Pri-. �0 �_�� ��$U���4��͡IJ��A���� ��E��f����9*�������
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ICT and ICT tools, and division of labour among participants. enhance reliability and validity of the study. Issues Regarding a Quality Learning Environment 1. Most of the tools used to mediate these activities, were similar to the ones used in the preinstructional activities. Data were collected through an online survey in which a questionnaire link was sent to 269 vice chancellors/presidents of the sampled universities. of technology and the social life of classrooms. comfortable learning environment, as well as to communicate with students, re-spect them,care for them,and build relationships with them. and he was “lost in cyberspace” when carrying out the task. Based on the results of previous research (e.g., Ertmer, Ottenbreit-Leftwich, & Tondeur, 2015; Hermans, There is wide agreement that teacher professional development (TPD) is a necessary element in educational change, especially for the more effective application of ICT to enhance learning. Indexing facilitated the procedure, of seat assignment and the monitoring of the ICT tools. In such an environment, pupils are more likely to be, task-oriented and reflective, and hence, more likely to engage in higher. Scaffolding activities were present in most lessons observed in both schools. These topics were gen-, erated from the activity theoretical framework and the literature review. converted to a free access area with 6 computers. Tondeur, van Braak, & Valcke, 2008; Lin, Wang, & Lin, 2012), teachers adopt innovations that align with their selections of other curricular variables and methods (e.g., teaching strategies) and that also align with their existing beliefs about ‘good’ education. by Terry Heick. Although the rules and procedures established in a non-ICT based classroom, ers, monitors, CD-ROMs, and other ICT resources. single human institution. Report on the effectiveness of technology in schools, 1990-1997. reported in a questionnaire survey of all Singapore schools. From these 300 questionnaires, 238 valid questionnaires were accumulated. The study also observed the significance of the traditional method to instructing and learning but stressed on the need to embrace a technology-driven classroom, smart communicating boards, interdisciplinary learning, collective learning, rotated classroom and a host of others to enhance students 'involvement in the education process. encounter in adopting technology in teaching the subject. Therefore, the cup mediated between the rules and the community, and that created a more conducive environment in East Primary School than, All the teachers who were observed in both schools carried out postinstruc-, learnt to the next lesson. The general research findings that showed the technology provided the capacity to afford opportunities for supporting a powerful teaching and learning atmospheres (Hermans et al., 2008) and can impact on students' learning (Concannon et al., 2005), motivation building (Mahdizadeh et al., 2008), critical thinking building, ... Other scholars, describe technology integration in terms of types of teachers' computer use in the lecture rooms, like students doing Internet searches and multimedia presentations, collecting and interpreting data for projects (Cuban, Kirkpatrick, & Peck, 2001). among themselves, or engaging in another task other than the task at hands. Embrace the distractions: When coaching or providing on-the-job training, treat the distractions of the workplace as opportunities to reinforce training. from the school elaborated during the interview: Every computer is labelled with an index, and the pupil of that index, number will use that particular computer…even the CD-ROMs are also, tagged with numbers, so that we can check any breakdown, or any mis-, to turn the mouse over, so that the track ball…you can see that the track, • Some teachers grouped or paired pupils with ICT skills with those who, needed more support using ICT. become familiar with the new layouts they would be encountering. It is part of a larger funded research project that examines and analyses where and how IT is integrated in Singapore schools to develop pupils' higher order thinking skills. such as observations. environment of the classroom. Cheung (1997) observed that pupils tended to lose, concentration when the group working on a computer was too big. This reliance on, JILR 14/4 page layout 12/23/03 3:23 PM Page 47, interaction between the participating pupils elicits more of the pupils’, of view by allowing a struggle of understanding of how others interpret key, terms/ideas and a debate of issues raised (Morgan, 1993). This paper explores the roles of students supporting technology in elementary classrooms. was carried out from August 21, 2001 to January 8, 2002. were girls between 7 to 12 years old. Potter (2000) suggested that a, bank of regular sayings, which emphasised good practices, be put on the, notice board of the computer room for all pupils to see. For, example, a few pupils were working on their workstations and some were, talking among themselves when the teacher was giving instructions prior to, enter and exit the computer room in an orderly fashion, and many of them. Discipline and group management in classrooms. tkamp, 1999). A truly open-ended learning environment would involve students in independent research to find and select their own relevant resources (e.g., in the campus library, on the internet). If a student feels uncomfortable, unsafe, or not respected, then their chances of success in that class dramatically decrease. ... it is our responsibility to create an atmosphere conducive to learning and where students can find a sense of place. These computer rooms were fully air-conditioned. 10 Characteristics Of A Highly Effective Learning Environment. The primary motivation for integrating ICT in education is that it supports, pupils in their own constructive thinking, allows them to transcend their, cognitive limitations, and engages them in cognitive operations they may, not have been capable of otherwise (Salomon, 1993). This study aims to explore whether gender influences the way EFL teachers’ ICT use in the classroom. Pupils in these classrooms are consistently engaged in the learning, tasks that their teachers have set for them and very few pupil behaviours. tem. 300 questionnaires were distributed among the teaching staff of Malaysian schools. When the QX3 microscope and its accom-, panying program were first introduced in a Science lesson with a group of, Primary three pupils, the teacher explained the features and functions of the, different parts of the microscope with the use of, asked the pupils to imitate her actions as she used the microscope and soft-, ware to capture some images. Each group had a 30-minute discus-, sion conducted in the classroom or the computer lab. The ICT learning packages that were used included, subjects, such as English, Mathematics, Social Studies, Art, Malay, access corners with a total of 12 computers for pupils to engage in indepen-. Based on the empirical evidence, technology integration is essential to university performance; therefore, universities should develop and integrate technology for better performance. ...Creating an environment conducive to learning | Department of Education and Early Childhood Development | | | Learning encompasses three broad domains—knowledge, behaviours and attitudes. Launch of Masterplan for IT in Education. Like a good guidebook, the study sensitizes the audience of certain behaviours or actions of the teachers that had been observed. girls with ages ranging from 7 to 12. A set of tools - In some learning environments, however, selected resource sets are provided to learners. Each may not have a large effect individually, however together they … These procedures minimise the occur-. It is a survey which adopts a mixed-method approach of investigation, and two instruments are used to collect data: a questionnaire and a semi-structured interview. 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