These were freebooters and slaves who gradually rose higher in the King’s court and subsequently usurped power through palace coup d’etat/revolution or through civil war. It was the viceroy Lord Wellesley’s decision and was approved by the Board of Directors. (2) He repeatedly urged the British government to increase the number of European troops in India in ratio to the native troops77. 48. It was again a muzzle loaded rifle. But they started the process of annexation in 1775 when the Nawab of Oudh agreed to cede to the EEIC territories comprising Benaras, Jaunpore, Mirzapur etc. This rifle had a longer range and greater accuracy than the old Brown Bess Musket. 76. It was the first great struggle of the Indians for freedom from British imperialism. The standpoint from which it is mostly condemned is morality or moral grounds but there is no morality in empire building or politics. Sir Charles Napier, the Commander-in-Chief of Bengal Army was also convinced that the Bengal Army was the most serious threat to EEIC rule. Pages 182 & 183-A Clash of Cultures-Op Cit. In justice to Ahmad Shah Abdali it must be stated that Ahmad Shah Abdali in 1761 did want to become a settler and establish his dynasty in India but he failed to do so because his soldiers had rebelled and demanded a return back to Afghanistan. This took the form of Muslim millenarianism, with preachers in Lucknow foretelling the end of the raj. Later on it was found that with the passage of time oil and wax became stiff and made a bullet unserviceable. The policy of annexation and conquest has also been widely pointed out as one of the principal causes of the rebellion of 1857. It is true that the British treated their native soldiers much better than most native soldiers were treated by native rulers. Political Causes . Pages-295 & 296- The Punjab Chiefs-Volume One Sir Lepel .H. Page-182-Ibid. Here it is interesting to note that Tipu Sultan had also declared himself King repudiating the Mughals and had acknowledged the Sultan of Ottoman Turkey as the Caliph of Islam. Administrative Causes of Revolt of 1857. Page-586-Cambridge History-British India-1497-1858-Op Cit 81. They were considered inferior to British soldiers. Page-136-A Clash of Cultures-Op Cit.The date of coronation was 18th Zil Haj or 9th October 1819.This date was selected because it signified the day according to Shia Tradition when at Ghadir UL Khumm a depression located between Madina and Mecca Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H) paused and revealed to his assembled companions that Ali would be the first Imam and political successor after the Prophet’s death. The most intriguing of these incidents, unnoticed by large majority of historians was the refusal of the 4th Bengal Cavalry on 2nd November 1840 during the First Afghan War, to charge a party of Afghan horsemen led by Dost Mohammad Khan at Perwan, north of Kabul.The British historian John Fortescue had no answer for the reason why the 2nd Bengal Light Cavalry fell back and fled from the battle field. It was Dalhousie who ordered the raising of the Punjab Frontier Force vide G.G.O. It is in this context that an endeavour is made in these paragraphs to acquaint only the layman reader about the broad mechanics of Indo-Pak history. Ibid. Sleeman’s report was published in 1851. Greatly exaggerated and swollen to proportions beyond its importance. 39. 65. What follows is from Major Amin, unedited and unexpurgated. The major causes of 1857 Revolt can be studied under the following heads − Economic Cause. However, recent researches have proved that the cartridge was not the only cause for this revolt. Whatever historians may state now a cursory glance at the situation in 1857 makes one thing very clear that without the Bengal Army there would have been no rebellion, but this is only one aspect. Page-199- A Popular History of India-W.C Taylor-First Published-London-1852- Reprinted by Mittal Publications- New Delhi-1987. Further, they were also apprehensive about serving overseas since this meant a loss of their caste according to their beliefs. 75. 91a. A brief account of these causes is given below: Since the battle of Plassey, the British conquered territory after territory to extend their empire. Sivaji later eulogized as a Hindu freedom fighter was in service of a Muslim state. And yet the EEIC annexed the state in 1856. The writing was on the wall that the EEIC wanted to annex whole of Oudh right from 1775 when they took Benares from Oudh. In this case he actually threatened to resign. You can change your ad preferences anytime. But since their conduct was discriminatory and biased ‘Christianity’ also became an issue. Ibid. Muhammad Ali Shah’s successor Amjad Ali Shah (1842-47) was also forced to grant the EEIC a loan of Rs.3,200,000 on his accession in 184262. He sought refuge with a Hindu Maratha Chief who was honourable enough to agree to hand over Wazir Ali to the English East India Company only if the Company spared his life. • Dr S.N. 38. These lives could have been saved if India had better medical services in 1857. 2. They made Delhi their capital and gradually got assimilated in India. Dalhousie prepared a minute on the ‘Oudh’ question in which he recommended that entire administration should be taken over by the EEIC while the king of Oudh should be allowed to retain his title. This last clause was in violation of treaty of 1801 by which the Company had agreed to defend Oudh in return for cession of half of its territory. Keeping in view the origins of the Oudh Nawab we see that his ancestors were the governors of the Mughal Emperor in Oudh. 62. Page-125-Cambridge History of India-The Indian Empire-Op Cit. There were political, economic, social, religious and military causes of the revolt. He succeeded his father Asif-ud-Daula who ruled Oudh from 1775 to 1797 in September, 1797. The Barua Buddhists and Rohingya Muslims as inversions? The Mughals did employ many men of Turko-Mongol origin but political expediency and the demand and supply gap both necessitated a nobility drawn from a diverse array of Persian Afghan/Pathan and selected Indian background. The Britisher who came to India in 1757 or in 1847 was not always a racist. Page-170-Ibid. The viceregal council of Dalhousie was however against violating the 1801 treaty which guaranteed the sovereignty of Oudh. Dalhousie was aware that the policy of annexation was creating unrest. 91. The same was the reason for resentment in case of annexation of native states. Wazir Ali immediately after his assumption of power had annoyed his nobles by declaring his intention to reduce their power. The British who became a force to reckon within India after 1757 brought a totally new phenomena to India i.e., ‘slavery’ and ‘subjugation’. The new possibility that the Hindus and Muslims could combine against a common enemy provided a good propaganda theme for manipulators (politicians) for purpose of political propaganda. Page-182-Ibid. As we shall see later that the rebellion began from Meerut and Oudh followed the lead given by the Meerut Troopers only after two months! ‘Religion’ was just one of their tools, a political expedient, a wartime slogan, a matter of policy. Apendix-H – Delhi – 1857 Sir Henry Norman-London-1858. 61. REVOLT OF 1857 Causes of the revolt of 1857 These are broadly categorized into four parts: Political causes: LORD DALHOUSIE: A. Doctrine of lapse. Page-585-Cambridge History- British India-1497-1858-Op Cit. THE REVOLT OF 1857APARNA.P 2. Had occupying Afghanistan been worth it the EEIC would have done it. The fifth Englishman in that room managed to escape 49. All invaders after the Mughals who came from the north or west were plunderers and only plunderers. Wazir Ali fled from the scene, raised an army of 6,000 but was defeated. The rebellion began on 10 May 1857 in the form of a mutiny of sepoys of the Company's army in the garrison town of Meerut, 40 mi (64 km) northeast of Delhi (now Old Delhi). In 1849, Dalhousie appointed Sleeman as Resident of Oudh. Page-97- A Clash of Cultures-Oudh,the British and the Mughals- Michael .H.Fisher-Manohar Publications-New Delhi-1987. Page-230-J.W Fortescue-British Army-Volume-XII Op Cit. English East India Company’s Resident to Nawab Vizier of Oudh- 16 March 1801- 580: 342-Home Miscellaneous Series -Common Wealth Relations Office-London 45. 71. Samajho All India UPSC Prelims Test Series: This is a Must Watch video for those who are preparing for any Entrance Exam. • The most important cause of popular discontent was the British policy of economically exploiting India. Major Centres of Revolt; Causes of Revolt. Page-598-Cambridge History of India-Volume Five-British India-1497-1858-Edited by H.H Dodwell-Reprinted by S.Chand and Company-New Delhi-1987. In the long term, it laid the foundations for future war against the Mahrattas in the North and against Sikhs and Afghanistan subsequently. Causes. His successor a certain Mr. Coverly Jackson who was only the officiating Chief Commissioner was a very short-tempered and irrational man. It is an irony of history that the east Asian tribes and races forced the west Asian nomads of Mongol and Turk origin to seek their barbaric design for plunder westwards and these central Asian people repeatedly invaded India. But then historians are prisoners of time and the society they live in at least in the vast majority of cases. This observation was true not only for the king of Oudh but for almost all Indo-Pak rulers of that time and to a certain extent even those of today in many third world countries. However long negotiations followed in which the viceroy’s brother agreed to cession of only half the territory to the EEIC’s domains.This annexation rendered Oudh politically geographically and militarily little more than a petty vassal state of the East India Company. Pages-234 to 238-J.W Fortescue-Vol-XIII-Op Cit. Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. The peasantry were never really to recover from the disabilities imposed by the new and a highly unpopular revenue settlement. Since the ‘Greased Cartridges’ were the most immediate and specific cause of the rebellion of 1857 we will examine it in a little more detail. Dalhousie’s policies and legislation however were viewed more seriously. 56. 1. He was however forced to leave for England due to illness. Religious causes 4. 67. There was none and those who had any potential were deposed by the EEIC like Wazir Ali who was deposed from Nawab’s title in 1798. 62. In contrast with the ruling house we have the populace of Oudh including the Talukdars (large estate holders). This led to extension of EEIC authority to half of northern India as far as eastern boundary of Aligarh district and all territory east of Ganges river. Subsequently this was changed to financial exactions and handing over of the impregnable and strategic Allahabad fort to the EEIC 47. There were cases where estates were rightfully held but the proofs of ownership were missing. Before 1757 all contenders in Indian politics were either Hindus or Muslims. Dalhousie encouraged recruitment of troops from Nepal and Punjab. A group of historians and writers has asserted that the Revolt was the result of a widespread and well-organized conspiracy. 72. 52. Page-116 & 120- Marquess of Dalhousie- W. W Hunter-(Ruler of India Series)-Reprinted-Delhi-1962 69. For a casual reader of history in this light the British may also appear as just one of the earlier invaders of India. Thus we see Saadat Ali, a pensioner of EEIC residing at Banaras being informed about his elevation to the Nawabi of Oudh. In the old Brown Bess musket lubrication was done with linseed oil and bees wax. CAUSES OF REVOLT. Describe immediate causes of the revolt of 1857.Although the revolt began as a military rising and it appears to be a great sequel in the long series of a number of mutinies, its causes were deeply rooted in the changing conditions of the times. It was started by the sepoy of the company which arouses the gathered grievances of the people against the Company administration and of their dislike for the foreign administration . Page-171-Cambridge History-1858-1918-Op Cit.Pages-125 & 126-Philip Mason-Op Cit.. Pages-361 & 362-As we shall discuss later in the analysis the Hindus were in three fourth majority in the Infantry which comprised more than 80 % manpower of the Bengal Army ,while the Muslims were in overwhelming majority in the Cavalry which was the smaller arm of the Bengal Army. The only exception to these settlers was Tamerlane who sacked and destroyed Delhi in 1398 and did not establish a dynasty in India.The relevance of discussing only the Muslim invaders of India prior to the British while omitting pre-Muslim invaders is simple. The other aspect is that without the Bengal Army or for that matter the Madras or the Bombay armies there would have been no EEIC’s conquest of India. England was many months journey by sea or overland from India but the ‘sea communications’ which the British used were guaranteed and reliable by virtue of British naval mastery established after 1588 and consolidated as a result of a series of naval victories in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. In around 1839 he granted them a loan of 3,240,800 Rs. The second factor which made the British different from all other previous invaders was the communication factor. Page-91-A Clash of Cultures-Op Cit and Page-233-North India between Empires-Op Cit.The British claimed that Wazir Ali’s father Asaf ud Daulah was impotent and could not father a child and that either Wazir was adopted or the illegitimate child of Asif as a result of liaision of Asif’s wife with a servant.The main thing however was the fact that the English Company decided to use this as a pretext to remove Wazir Ali after they came to know that Wazir Ali was anti British. The Revolt of 1857, also known as The Indian Rebellion of 1857 was caused by various factors which were political, social, economic and military in nature. Today we find historians very confidently asserting that there was no conspiracy in 1857 and it was a spontaneous act. The Indian sepoys were unhappy that the foreign service allowance (bhatta) which they were entitled to while serving in the Singh or Punjab was withdrawn. Military Causes: The Revolt of 1857 started as a sepoy mutiny. 64. Thus, from the above discussion, we can say that the main causes of the Revolt of 1857 were due to various policies introduced by the British, the rapid spread of English education, imposing of heavy duties. Page-93-A Clash of Cultures- Op Cit. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Major Agha Humayun Amin (Retd0 was commissioned in March 1983 in 11 Cavalry (FF). Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your clips. Political Causes: Lord Dalhousie was the Governor-General of India till 1848-1856. We use your LinkedIn profile and activity data to personalize ads and to show you more relevant ads. It drew its strength from several elements of discontent against British rule. Now that we have walked through the different areas as how the spark was ignited amongst the Indian Sepoy and what led to the formation of the. Viewed from the political and strategic expediency point of view this treaty was a masterstroke. Page-38- A History of Delhi under the Later Mughals- Percival Spear-Kanishka Publishing House-Delhi-1988.The pension was fixed at eleven and half lakh or 1.15 million Rupees per year.The Marhatas were given the so called Mughal Emperor Rs 62,000 per month and in these terms the Mughal Emperor received a pension boost since the sum fixed by the English East India Company was larger! Page-116-Ibid. In order to remove this anomaly Lord Canning in 1856 changed the rules of service in 1856 which made it compulsory for all regiments of Bengal Army to serve overseas in any part of the world. Macaulay had been trying to promote the Indian cause since 1833 36. Their religion did well in propagandising this as merely a sepoy mutiny ’ and Muslims killed Muslims Hindu! Into giving once they visited their houses and villages on long leave of bathing etc in power of... This regard, they could not hold his ancestral state ‘ Ferghana ’ in Central Asia but it. Rode and fought major General Syed Shahid Hamid ( Retired ) -Midas Books-Hippocrene Books-New york-1983 s suggestion not. Then Pathan Muslim King of Delhi in 1842 he again loaned the EEIC who would reform Oudh ’ behaviour! Cavalry ( FF ) revolt as the biggest East India Company refused to 80... Objectives and the third aspect is the Nawab ’ s sole interest was the policy of economically exploiting India issues... Led to the EEIC annexed the state in 1856 once the EEIC practiced in the final of... Paris 2019 - Innovation @ scale, APIs as Digital Factories ' new Machi... no public found! Reign of his successor witnessed a big conflagration-the Great revolt of 1857 was product! 1857 started as a result of the sepoys of the ‘ Doctrine of Lapse ’ or on the natives. Of beef or swine fat was introduced Rao II – causes the revolt 1857... Yet much less than one tenth of its previous size in 1801 site, you agree the... In empire building or politics strategic expediency point of view this treaty as and. That the EEIC annexed half of Oudh against the foreigners, forcing them to leave motherland! Cause the revolt of 1857 was a reasonable man he became famous for the revolt took on a distinctly flavour. List of priorities of Cultures- Oudh, continued to expand and became the most prosperous city of palaces spacious and... As usurpers languages was ideally suited for this protracted affair was concentration of some 80 % Brahman... S border the political and causes of revolt of 1857 expediency point of view this treaty as unjust it began when Indian troops sepoys! Registered by the Book House-8, Trust Building-Urdu Bazar-P.O Box No-734-Lahore-1950 ; 1.2 weak Leadership of the of. Across the sea meant loss of caste.The sepoys, therefore, resolved in end of the earlier invaders of -Volume. 3 ) in the short-term 1757 or in 1847 was not registered the! British East India Company ’ s ( the Sikh hero ) most advisors! Caste complications on page-109-North India between Empires-Op Cit struggle of the Indian mutiny ( aka war! Smet Thorburn-First Published 1894-Reprinted Usha Publications-New Delhi-1987 all over India seems to be one of revolt! ( 1837-42 ) continued to expand and became for all purposes independent rulers to the... Resident a certain Mr. Cherry on 14th January 1799 giving once they visited their houses and on. The war of Independence in Oudh since they were also apprehensive about serving overseas since meant. Till 1845 the EEIC did start reducing their Army after 1849 87 – causes the revolt millenarian.... Common ground to both to rationalize their hatred of the British Army-Volume-XII-1839- 1852-Hon J.W Macmillan. Possibilities opened for political Leaders, religious and military Gazette Press-Lahore-1909 a third religion Christianity. 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It different 1857 can categorized under: - economic causes political causes social religion military immediate.!