Proceedings of a workshop, Sanur Beach, Bali, Indonesia. International Rice Research Newsletter, 12(1):24. Gramineae) subfamily: Panicoideae tribe: Paspaleae subtribe: Paspalinae. Weed studies in Pineapple Growing Areas. Nada Y, 1985. More information about modern web browsers can be found at No data, but probably similar to : "Susceptible to DSMA, bentazon, bromoxynil, 2,2-DPA and metsulfuron methyl. O. Ktze. The Grass Manual on the Web - Treatment (AXCO) The Grass Manual on the Web - Illustration (AXCO) The Grass Manual on the Web - Map (AXCO) USF Atlas of Florida Vascular Plants (AXCO) Wildlife. Please consider upgrading your browser to the latest version or installing a new browser. In: Agronomia Costarricence, 12 (1) 33-43. The major arthropod pests and weeds of agriculture in Southeast Asia. Appropriate Weed Control in South East Asia. Creeping stoloniferous grass, forms a dense mat on the ground surface, rarely reaching more than 15 cm tall. Inflorescence a panicle comprising 2 or 3 (rarely 5) slender, spikelike racemes, paired or sub-digitately arranged on a long slender peduncle; racemes (2â) 3â7 (â10) cm long; spikelets, 2â3.5 mm long, 1â1.25 mm broad, inserted alternately either side of a flattened rachis. Endang S, Lumbantong T, Tobing TL, 1985. Adapted to well to moderately drained sandy or sandy-loam soils, but also to light clays and peats, flourishing in soils too infertile for Paspalum dilatatum. Inflorescences a slender stalk bearing two slender, 1-sided spikes usually 5-10 cm long, usually with a third inserted 1-2 cm below. Sun D, Liddle M J, 1993. The use of scout herbicide to control weeds in palm circles and interrow paths in oil palm plantations. Annals of Applied Biology, 89(2):173-176. The use of mixtures of glyphosate with 2, 4-D, linuron and ammonium sulphate to control weeds in rubber plantations. Axonopus compressus (Sw.) P.Beauv. Trampling resistance, stem flexibility and leaf strength in nine Australian grasses and herbs. (2009). In: Mannetje, L.ât and Jones, R.M. It produces many other lawn weeds at short intervals. Journal of the Australian Institue of Agricultural Science, 52(2):107-108. 37 (4), 805-810. Rao VS; Kotoky B; Sarmah SN, 1981. Effect of season and growth stage. Weeds in shifting cultivation in Quezon Province, Philippines. Compendium record. Internodes compressed and spaced more closely that of species form. Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference of the Malaysian Society of Animal Production. Average daily liveweight gain of about 200 g/hd/day has been measured in steers grazing over an extended period. In: Proceedings: Integrated pest management in tropical and subtropical cropping systems '89, vol. Description; Specification; H/p: Show contact number We are landscape plants supplier. Axonopus compressus. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Caxton Press, 357 pp. australis G.A.Black, Milium compressum Sw., Paspalum compressum (Sw.) Nees, Paspalum platycaule Willd. CN: [Malay - Rumput parit, Rumput padang], Carpet grass, Blanket grass, Broad-leaf carpet grass, Lawn grass, Louisiana grass, Tropical carpet grass. MSMA for controlling Cyperus kyllingia, Axonopus compressus and Brachiara distachya in tifgreen Bermuda grass turf. Description. Axonopus fissifolius and A. compressus are cultivated for forage in many countries; A. compressus is also used as a lawn grass. ; in Symposium: Biology and control of weevils associated with citrus in Florida and the West Indies]; 8 ref. Carpet Grass for Lawns A sturdy, warm season grass, carpet grass (Axonopus fissifolius) is disease- and insect-resistant, fills in quickly and creates a dense, wear-resistant mat. Protein and mineral content in forages from the North Huetar and the Atlantic regions of Costa Rica. Canberra, Australia: Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, 141 pp. We are one of the pioneer company specializing in Turfing, Hydroseeding, Soil erosion, Landscaping and Supply High Quality Cow Grass. Identify. Relatively low amounts of nitrogen can be fixed through non-symbiotic associations in the rhizosphere of . Research Bulletin No. Program and Abstracts of Papers, Weed Science Conference and Workshop in India, 1977., Paper No. ], Frankfurt am Main, Germany: DLG Verlag GmbH. Canberra, Australia: ACIAR. ex Jacks. Using Sunlight. With a good seedbed, where rate of cover is not an issue, 2â3 kg/ha of seed is adequate, while with a less well prepared seedbed or where rapid cover is important, 6â12 kg/ha may be necessary. 827-842. Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), Canberra, Australia. Protein and mineral content in forages from the North Huetar and the Atlantic regions of Costa Rica. DOI:10.1016/0006-3207(93)90194-6, Tarrant C A, McCoy C W, 1985. (1988) Cover Crops for Orchards in Hawaii. I. Cow Grass (Axonopus Compressus) 0 Cow Grass (Axonopus Compressus) This Coarse grass is commonly used in Singapore. No. complex. Carpetgrass can be identified as a spreading perennial grassy weed with a creeping growth habit. Sun D, 1992. Holm LG; Pancho JV; Herberger JP; Plucknett DL, 1979. Axonopus compressus Scientific name Axonopus compressus (Sw.) P. Beauv. Agroforestry Systems, 6(1):3-17; 24 ref. While preferring moist soils, it does not withstand prolonged flooding or permanently swampy conditions. By the description of it, we know that it is generally grown in a wet, shaded place … (eds) Plant Resources of South-East Asia No. Trampling resistance, stem flexibility and leaf strength in nine Australian grasses and herbs. Alwar RPA; Roa WK, 1992. 3, February 8-15 1989, Bad Dürkheim, Germany. Further details may be available for individual references in the Distribution Table Details section which can be selected by going to Generate Report. Planter, 62(725):319-332; 7 ref. It grows well in the shade, often forming a thick mat under dense tree canopies. Mostly found in areas with an annual rainfall of (800â) 1,000â4,000 (â5,000) mm. Experimental Agric., 19(2):153-161. Comparative studies of a paraquat mixture and glyphosate and/or its mixtures on weed succession in plantation crops. Effect of season and growth stage. Bogdan, A.V. Rumput yang amat tahan lasak, sering digunakan dimerata-rata tempat, padang bola sepak, sekolah,taman perumahan baru, bahu jalan, lering bukit untuk mengelakan tanah runtuh atau taman permainan kerana rumputAXONOPUS COMPRESSUS tahan daripada segala serangan perosak,penyakit,cuaca dan rumput liar. Study of weed populations in two rubber estates and one oil palm estate. Because of its availability at low cost, it is usually used in open spaces, beside roads and in soccer fields. Effects of stocking rate and grazing management on cattle production from tropical grass Digitaria setivalva Stent. MSMA for controlling Cyperus kyllingia, Axonopus compressus and Brachiara distachya in tifgreen Bermuda grass turf. Broad-leaved carpet grass (Axonopus compressus ) is regarded as an environmental weed in Queensland and New South Wales. Axonopus compressus (syn. A. compressus responded poorly to fertilizer application in coconut-growing areas of southern Thailand (Boonklinkajorn, 1979). One or more of the features that are needed to show you the maps functionality are not available in the web browser that you are using. Vargas E, Sanchez JM, Campabadal C, 1988. Nutrition Reports, Internat., 37(4):805-810., Wong, C.C. var. Family: Poaceae (alt. (1990) Shade Tolerance of Tropical Forages: A Review. Sarmah, K.K. australis G. A. Sampling and distribution of Artipus floridanus Horn (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) on citrus and weed hosts. Although mostly growing in areas where fire is not a problem, it recovers quickly from fire. The presence of rhizomes or stolons is affected by environmental condi¬tions, with plants growing in … Studies on maize streak virus isolates from grass and cereal hosts in Nigeria. Palatability and adaptability of 10 tropical grasses used as grazing pasture in Kyushu. International Developments in Oil Palm. Journal of the Japanese Society of Grassland Science, 30(4):434-440. In: Thai Journal of Agricultural Science, 12 (1) 13-50. v + 141 pp. The Major Arthropod Pests and Weeds of Agriculture in Southeast Asia. Folia Geobotanico et Phytotoxonomica, 23(3):225-237. Jjong A; Hung AR, 1975. Waterhouse DF, 1993. Names of Axonopus Compressus in various languages of the world are also given. Steud. 2.6â3 million seeds per kg. Folded. Wageningen, Netherlands: Pudoc Scientific Publishers, 53-54. Report of the completed assignment, Training Course on Weed Scince, Biotrop, Newsletter, No. Axonopus compressus in "Plant Resources of South-East Asia., Wageningen, Netherlands: Pudoc Scientific Publishers. Common weeds of Malaysia and their control. Jeniang, Kedah, Malaysia. The World's Worst Weeds. Both crops were grown on three types of soils: a sandy clay loam, sandy clay, and clay soil. Proceedings: Integrated pest management in tropical and subtropical cropping systems '89, vol. Weeds in shifting cultivation in Quezon Province, Philippines. 10 (1-2), 45-46. CABI, Undated. Wallop (glyphosate + dicamba): a translocative broad spectrum herbicide for effective general weed control in young and mature oil palm. [Proceedings: Integrated pest management in tropical and subtropical cropping systems '89, vol. Watson SE, 1986. Sheep farming - another tool for weed control under oil palm/rubber plantations by using a cheaper management technique. Report of the germination committee working group on tropical and sub-tropical seeds 1977 - 1980. It is not subject to any major diseases or insect pests, although it is attacked by grass webworm (Herpetogramma licarsisalis; Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), usually during rainy weather, and is an alternative host for Rhizoctonia solani and rice tungro spherical waikavirus. The leaves, however,generally form a dense mat that seldom reaches a … Malaysia: Department of Veterinary Science, Universiti Pertanian, 133-138. Sign in Sign up for FREE Prices and download plans The common name for it is carpet grass. Phytoremediation is an emerging technology that utilizes plants to remediate contaminated environments. Cow grass (“Axonopus Compressus”) is the most common type of grass used in Malaysia for turfing. Malaysia: Shah Alam, Ancom. Carpetgrass is a perennial grassy weed that is also known as Broadleaf Carpetgrass or by its scientific name, Axonopus compressus. Al-de Pina, Diaz RA, Garbosky AJ, Gianneto R, Rodrigues NF, Sabella LJ, 1973. Rearing and transmission techniques for Haplaxius sp. Plant Disease, 76(8):789-795; 28 ref. Suelos Public, Centro-de-Investigaciones-de-Recursos Naturales, No. A geographical atlas of world weeds. Axonopus compressus is a robust, stoloniferous grass with flowering stems that can be up to 45cm tall. var. Paspalum filostachyum A. Herbage production of grasses under coconuts in Southern Thailand. 40 (2), 103-112. Arsip Tag: Axonopus compressus Pentas Lanceolata. ), South Carolina (s.),Texas (e.)), Caribbean: Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Cuba, Dominica, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Hispaniola, Jamaica, Martinique, Puerto Rico, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and Grenadines, Central America: Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, South America: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, Venezuela, Widely naturalized and used as a turf and forage in the humid tropics and subtropics, especially west tropical Africa, South Africa, India, the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia and the Pacific Islands. Chen CP; Othman O, 1986. Classification of ground covers. Secondary and micro nutrient composition of a few common weeds of coffee plantations. Sign in Sign up for FREE Prices and download plans Dehra Dun, India: R. P. S. Galot, International Book Distributors. Journal of the Japanese Society of Grassland Science. A cross-pollinating, heterogamous species, forming mostly sterile hybrids with other species in the complex. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 72(1):133-137. Full sun is recommended, grows flowers in bloom constantly. Broughton WJ, 1977. 3, Pineapple Research Station, Pekan Nenas, Malaysia. New shoots developing from older nodes can be up to 50 cm tall. Choice of sowing rate depends on quality of seedbed and the rate of ground cover required. Wallingford, UK: CABI, CABI, Undated b. CABI Compendium: Status as determined by CABI editor. Effects of different covers on the performance of oil palm on different soils. In: Suelos Public, Centro-de-Investigaciones-de-Recursos Naturales, No. Indian Botanical Reporter. It is not very drought-tolerant, even less so than A. fissifolius. : Cixiidae), a suspected vector of lethal yellowing disease of coconuts. . Weeds of pineapple areas. It can become a troublesome weed in the wet tropics. Somarriba E, 1988. Although found in the subtropics and upland tropics, it appears to be best adapted to the lowland tropics. Its’ excellent capability of erosion prevention together with high endurance is the perfect for Malaysia climate through drought or rain season. Dissertation, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 2n = 40 (rarely 50 or 60). Cow Grass Three-Petalled (Axonopus Compressus) Its leaves are short and wide, greenish & feeling soft. Erosion control, lawn/turf, forage, weed. It is often used as permanent pasture or groundcover, but mostly, it is planted in lawns. is a species of grass.It is often used as a permanent pasture, groundcover, and turf in moist, low fertility soils, particularly in shaded situations. Biological Conservation. Dry matter yields of 1â5 (â10) t/ha have been measured. Leong C C, 1987. Guava (Psidium guajava L.) trees in a pasture: population model, sensitivity analyses, and applications. Purity study of imported leguminous cover crops. Lubigan R T, Moody K, 1987. Tasrif A; Sahid IB; Sastroutomo SS; Latiff A, 1991. Henderson MR; 1959, Malaysian Wild Flowers. Cow Grass (Axonopus Compressus) Turfing Work Home - Garden Items for sale in Balik Pulau, Penang Vargas E; Sanchez JM; Campabadal C, 1988. Axonopus compressus is a rare type of species in the grass. November 8, 2020. Feddes Repertorium, 101(11-12):603-609. Bulletin Balai Penelitian Perkebunan Medan, 10(2):54, 87-102, Paresh Chandra Das; Misra AK; Effect of herbicides on growth; yield, and quality of banana. As soil nitrogen levels decline and under regular defoliation, A. compressus can successfully invade pastures based on more fertility demanding species such as Paspalum dilatatum, Cynodon dactylon and Setaria sphacelata, particularly if shade levels increase. Best in acid soils with pH (5.0â) 5.5â6 (â7), iron chlorosis above pH 7. Prices and download plans . Proceedings of the Eighth Asian-Pacific Weed Science Society Conference., 295-299, Sharma BM, 1990. Pudoc Scientific Publishers, Wageningen, the Netherlands. An update on grass flora of Uttarkhand Indian Journal of Forestry 32: 657-668. Landbouw proefstation Surinam. 143. 97, 44-48. The Grasses of Burma, Ceylon, India and Pakistan (excluding Bambuseae). Leong CC, 1987. If you want to know more about our services, get in touch with us. Alegría C, Echevarría M G, García M, Valdivia R, Rosemberg M, McDowell L R, 1988. New York, USA: John Wiley and Sons, 391 pp. Honolulu, Hawaii, USA: University Press of Hawaii. This is what I heard in my spirit: Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients in Axonopus Compressus. Stolons. The Pentas Lanceolata has red, white, lavender, purple, or pink flower. Tarrant CA; McCoy CW, 1985. Palatability and adaptability of 10 tropical grasses used as grazing pasture in Kyushu. Evaluation of tropical grasses in increasing shade under coconut canopies. The use of MSMA and DSMA for post-emergence weed control in tropical and sub-tropical agricultural crops. Maldonado G; Velasquez JE, 1994. Next Ad. MARDI Research Bulletin, 14(1):69-80; 11 ref. Detailed coverage of invasive species threatening livelihoods and the environment worldwide. Bull. Proceedings, British Crop Protection Conference -- Weeds, Vol.2:709-716. DOI:10.2307/3495124. ACIAR Monograph No. It has a characteristic emerald green tone and wide leaves which are aesthetically pleasing. Tetapi perlu triming kerap lebih 2 minggu sekali kerana cow grass … Mineral content in Forages from the North Huetar and the rate of eight plant species West Java through..., McDowell L R, Varma S K, 1991 oil palm/rubber plantations by using a management! Slender stalk bearing two slender, 1-sided spikes usually 5-10 cm long, usually with a stripper type harvester rounded... Has red, White, a suspected vector of lethal yellowing disease of coconuts stands up, pearl grows! 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